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i-TES Thermal Battery: How it is Composed

i-TES Thermal Battery: How it is Composed

Thermal batteries are revolutionizing the field of energy storage due to their ability to store and release heat efficiently. This article explores in detail the composition and operation of i-TES thermal batteries, analyzing their four key elements: the heat exchanger, the phase change material (PCM), the containment tank, and the PLC system. We will delve into how these advanced technologies enable high performance, significant energy savings, and greater environmental sustainability.

The Heat Exchanger in i-TES Thermal Batteries

The Heat Exchanger in i-TES Thermal Batteries

It is the device that moves the heat transfer fluid and facilitates the transfer of heat to the phase change material (PCM). Exchangers can have different shapes, but to maximize performance, it is essential to increase the exchange surface.
The two most common solutions are:

  • Plate exchangers (with a lower exchange surface)
  • Fin pack exchangers (with a higher exchange surface)

i-TES, unlike other manufacturers, has not made any compromises and has adopted the second solution. This allows the batteries to:

  • Accumulate and exchange energy with very high instantaneous power. For example, a 60kWh battery can achieve an instantaneous discharge power of 200kW.
  • Adopt the fin pack technology which allows for:
    • Higher system efficiency and durability
    • Minimization of heat losses
    • Improvement of thermal management
    • Significant energy savings
    • Greater long-term reliability

Another key advantage of the i-TES solution is its application flexibility. The batteries can be used in a wide range of sectors, including:

  • Manufacturing industry
  • Renewable energy sector
  • Domestic heating and cooling systems

Thanks to their ability to provide high power in very short times, these batteries are particularly useful in situations that require rapid energy exchange, such as energy demand peaks and emergencies.
Finally, i-TES is also committed to environmental sustainability. The batteries use recyclable materials, thus contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions and the promotion of a greener and more sustainable future.

The Beating Heart of Thermal Batteries: Phase Change Material (PCM)

The beating heart of our battery is the Phase Change Material (PCM). This fascinating material, transitioning from a solid to a liquid state at a constant temperature, is capable of storing heat and then releasing it later, returning from a liquid to a solid state. The PCMs we use in i-TES are specifically organic. (If you want to know more about the types of PCM and their characteristics, read here).

The combination of PCM with our advanced technologies allows us to offer efficient and sustainable energy solutions. The benefits of this system are manifold:

  • It helps reduce CO2 emissions
  • It improves thermal management in various sectors, including:
    • Residential/civil
    • Industrial sector
    • Automotive sector

In a world where sustainability is increasingly crucial, innovation is our most valuable ally. Thanks to continuous research and our team's dedication, we are able to develop products that not only meet current needs but also anticipate future challenges.

Our organic PCMs represent a significant step towards a greener and more energy-efficient future.

Want to learn more about our technologies? Contact us. Our sales team will be available to explain how you can practically apply PCMs in your sector.

The Containment Tank of Thermal Batteries

Our containment tank, a silent hero, ensures that the PCM does not overflow when it liquefies. Typically made of steel, we are always searching for innovative solutions that combine efficiency and effectiveness. This tank is typically insulated with panels that protect it from the external system, allowing the PCM, which has changed phase and now retains heat, to last as long as possible.
A well-insulated battery can retain heat for a period of 24/48 hours. Thanks to these features, our tank not only ensures:

  • Maximum energy efficiency
  • Reduction of environmental impact, offering a sustainable solution for heat management

Our dedication to quality and innovation leads us to constantly test new materials and technologies in order to further improve the performance of our products. We are proud to offer a product that:

  • Meets the highest safety standards
  • Exceeds expectations in terms of durability and reliability

In a world where energy efficiency is becoming increasingly crucial, our containment tank stands as a cutting-edge solution, ready to meet the challenges of the future.

The PLC System of Thermal Batteries

Our PLC system is the conductor of the battery. By coordinating the charging and discharging phases, it ensures:

  • Maximum comfort for the user
  • Optimal efficiency for the generation systems

Thanks to the thermocouples immersed in the liquid, the PLC system constantly receives charge and discharge information. Thermal energy has never been managed better. Moreover, our system is equipped with advanced algorithms that monitor and regulate critical variables in real-time, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted management.

Ease of use is at the heart of our design: with an intuitive interface, even less experienced users can fully exploit the system's potential. Safety is our imperative; sensors and safety controls are integrated to prevent any risk of overheating or overload.

By choosing i-TES thermal batteries, you not only invest in cutting-edge technology but also in a sustainable and reliable future.

Contact us for informations

Interested in learning more about i-TES and its thermal battery? The i-TES team is at your disposal.